Tonometers Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2027 by Technology, Application, Equipment, End User, and Country


Tonometers Market

Tonometers, otherwise called hand-pieces, are mechanical gadgets that action eye pressure and the progression of liquid through the cornea, focal point and retina. They assume a significant part in different fields of medication like ophthalmology, optometry, clinical estimations, and clinical lasers. The most well-known utilization of a tonometer is for estimating intraocular pressure or the pressing factor of the liquid inside the eye, which happens during typical vision.
Different utilizations remember for the determination and treatment of certain eye illnesses, for getting an exact perusing of the pressing factor of tears during the evening, and to forestall or distinguish conceivable interior draining or contaminations in the eye. Tonometry is an analytic test basically used to recognize glaucoma, one of the main source of irreversible visual impairment around the world.
Market Dynamics:
Expanding occurrence or commonness of ongoing eye infections, for example, glaucoma is required to move the tonometers market development. For example, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in excess of 3 million individuals in the United States have glaucoma. It is the subsequent driving reason for visual deficiency worldwide after waterfall. Around half of individuals with glaucoma don't realize they have the infection.
In addition, developing geriatric populace and expanding predominance among individuals is relied upon to increase the development of the tonometers market. For example, as indicated by World Health Organization (WHO), the total populace matured 60 years and more established is relied upon to add up to 2 billion by 2050, up from 900 million out of 2015.
Be that as it may, the dangers related with the utilization of tonometer is relied upon to control the development of the tonometers market. For example, the utilization of contact tonometer may prompt danger of disease or corneal scraped spot, while non-contact tonometer have low exactness level in the estimation of the intraocular pressure.
Major players operating in the tonometers market are Reichert Technologies, NIDEK CO., HAAG-STREIT GROUP, Topcon Corporation, Icare Finland Oy (Icare Finland is a part of Revenio Group Corporation), and Canon Inc.
Major players in the market are increasingly focused on launching new and innovative products to strengthen their product portfolio or to enhance their market presence. For instance, in May 2020, Icare USA launched ic200 handheld tonometer for intraocular pressure measurement. It measures intraocular pressure without anesthetic drops, air puffs, or specialized skills.

Moreover, in 2018, Keeler launched wireless non-contact tonometer, TonoCare, that uses soft air puff technology, meaning it doesn’t require disposable pins.

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