The sixth most common cancer in the world is head and neck cancer market


Cancer is a disease caused when cells divide abnormally and uncontrollably and spread into surrounding tissues, which results in formation of a mass called tumor. Head and neck cancer refers to various malignant tumors that develop in or around the mouth, sinuses, nose, larynx, and throat. Moreover, head and neck cancer begin in squamous cells that line moist surfaces such as those inside the throat, nose, and mouth. Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), excessive alcohol consumption, and chewing tobacco increases the risk of head and neck cancer. Other factors such as hereditary causes, Epstein barr virus infection, radiation exposure, occupational exposure, oral health, salted or preserved foods, excessive consumption of paan also increases the risk of head and neck cancer.

Factors such as rise in government initiatives, surge in research and development activities, rise in health care infrastructure, and increase in the patient population are expected to propel the head and neck cancer market. Worldwide, head and neck cancer is the sixth-most common cancer, with around 630,000 people diagnosed every year, resulting in more than 350,000 deaths, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Moreover, tens of millions of individuals are diagnosed with cancer each year and more than half of the patients eventually die from it. Moreover, cancer ranks the second most common cause of death in many countries, following cardiovascular diseases.
Around 75% of head and neck cancers are associated with tobacco use. However, in last ten years, the survival rate of head and neck cancer has dropped to 50% from 80%, as currently available treatment options primarily treat the symptoms. Furthermore, the introduction of antibody drug conjugates, monoclonal antibodies, and targeted molecular therapy such as gene therapy creates major growth avenues for the market. Increasing incidence of head and neck cancer is also expected to drive the growth of the market. For instance, around 3 to 5% of the population worldwide suffers from head and neck cancer, according to the World Health Organization.

In terms of geography, the head and neck cancer market is divided into six regions, such as North America, South America, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Growing geriatric population, increasing number of initiatives, and increase in product approvals are creating favorable environment for the head and neck cancer market growth. For instance, in June 2019, Merck & Co. received the United States Food and Drug Administration approval for Pembrolizumab for the treatment of people with metastatic or recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

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