The Global Anti-Snoring Treatment Market Continues To Grow Owing To the Growing Incidence of Snoring, Other Sleep-Related Disorders, and Consumption of Drugs and Alcohol Worldwide

Anti-snoring treatment is a way to keep the air passage of the body open when the individual is asleep. In simpler terms, this means that it is a device that is specially designed to keep the airway open so that the individual does not experience snoring while being asleep. In some cases, it's a mouthpiece that goes over the teeth to prevent from snoring when asleep. For other cases, it may be something else like a chin strap that holds the jaw up during sleep, or it could be an electronic device that makes noise to distract the sleep.
When someone is asleep, their mouth is completely closed, and this causes air to hit the tongue and throat as it passes by, vibrating, causing a sound known as snoring. Now when the airway is partially open because of some obstruction or some slight movement, this too vibrates and makes a very loud noise. This can easily be avoided by simply clearing the airway before going to bed.
Market Dynamics
The main factor driving the growth of the anti-snoring treatment market is the increased rate of drug and alcohol intake. For instance, according to RAND Corporation, there is approximate spending of US$ 100 billion on drugs annually in the U.S. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 70,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in 2019. The intake of high amounts and drugs and alcohol can lead to various physical issues, such as blockage of the nasal passage, which results in snoring. Moreover, unhealthy lifestyles such as high-calorie intake, obesity, and stress are estimated to propel the growth of the anti-snoring treatment market.
However, absence of knowledge related to proper treatments and the costly anti-snoring surgeries and devices are the main restraining factor hindering the growth of the anti-snoring treatment market.
This market is distributed in five regions that include North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, and Latin America. Among these, North America is estimated to hold a significant share of the anti-snoring treatment market owing to the high consumption of drugs and alcohol and the increase of snoring disorder in the region. For instance, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, an estimate of over 45% of U.S. adults snore occasionally while 25% do it regularly.
The anti-snoring treatment market in the Asia Pacific is estimated to witness significant growth owing to the prevalence of sleeping disorders in the region and low-cost surgeries and devices.
Competitive Analysis
Key companies in the global anti-snoring treatment market are Airing CPAP, ResMed, Inc., AccuMED Corp., Sleep Well Enjoy Life, Ltd., Sleeping Well, LLC, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Apnea Sciences Corporation, and GlaxoSmithKline, plc.

In February 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the usage of eXciteOSA developed by Signifier Medical Technologies. This anti-snoring device zaps the tongue to reduce snoring frequencies.

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